Active Program Assignments - Local Agencies

Fiscal Analyst
Accounting for Local Revenue Realignments 359 162/03 Tiffany Hoang 916-323-1127
Administrative License Suspension - Per Se 246 1460/89    
Allocation of Property Tax Revenues 152 697/92 Lucas Leung 916-720-3009
County of Los Angeles Citizens Redistricting Commission 379 781/16 Helmholst Zinser-Watkins 916-324-7876
Countywide Tax Rates 90 921/87 Lucas Leung 916-720-3009
Crime Victim's Domestic Violence Incident Reports 262 1022/99 Angelo Joseph 916-323-0698
Custody of Minors - Child Abduction and Recovery 13 1399/76 Lucas Leung 916-720-3009
Domestic Violence Arrest Policies and Standards 167 246/95 Tiffany Hoang 916-323-1127
Domestic Violence Arrests and Victim Assistance 274 698/98 Tin Bui 916-323-8137
Domestic Violence Treatment Services - Authorization and Case Management 177 183/92 Angelo Joseph 916-323-0698
Health Benefits for Survivors of Peace Officers and Firefighters 197 1120/96 Linda Waty 916-229-8037
Local Agency Employee Organizations: Impasse Procedures II 371 314/12 Angelo Joseph 916-323-0698
Local Agency Ethics 334 700/05 Tin Bui 916-323-8137
Local Elections: Consolidation 259 1013/81    
Local Government Employee Relations 298 901/00 Angelo Joseph 916-323-0698
Medi-Cal Beneficiary Probate 43 102/81 Tiffany Hoang 916-323-1127
Medi-Cal Eligibility of Juvenile Offenders 361 657/06 Helmholst Zinser-Watkins 916-324-7876
Peace Officer Personnel Records: Unfounded Complaints and Discovery 264 630/78 Lucas Leung 916-720-3009
Peace Officer Training: Mental Health/Crisis Intervention   373 469/15 Helmholst Zinser-Watkins 916-324-7876
Peace Officers Procedural Bill of Rights 187 465/76 Helmholst Zinser-Watkins 916-324-7876
Peace Officers Procedural Bill of Rights II 356 465/76 Lucas Leung 916-720-3009
Pesticide Use Reports 121 1200/89 Tin Bui 916-323-8137
Racial and Identity Profiling 375 466/15 Tin Bui 916-323-8137
Rape Victims Counseling Center Notice 127 999/91 Angelo Joseph 916-323-0698
Sexual Assault Evidence Kits: Testing 378 588/19 Linda Waty 916-229-8037
Sexually Violent Predators 175 762/95 Angelo Joseph 916-323-0698
Sexually Violent Predators For the Period of July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2018 376 762/95 Angelo Joseph 916-323-0698
State Authorized Risk Assessment Tool for Sex Offenders 360 336/06 Linda Waty 916-229-8037
Threats Against Peace Officers 163 1249/92 Helmholst Zinser-Watkins 916-324-7876
Tuberculosis Control 345 676/93 Tin Bui 916-323-8137
U Visa 918 Form, Victims of Crime: Nonimmigrant Status 372 721/15 Lucas Leung 916-720-3009
Vote by Mail Ballots: Prepaid Postage 377 120/18 Angelo Joseph 916-323-0698