LEARNING MODULE 3: Use of PAM Section 2 to look up PAR line items 1-9 when documenting your Padded or Turnaround PAR

LEARNING MODULE 3:  Use of PAM Section 2 to look up PAR line items 1-9 when documenting your Padded or Turnaround PAR (run time 1 hr 3 min 11 sec)


This module will review PAM Section 2 and provide PAR Purpose/Use instructions and direction for submitting PARs to SCO, PAR line item completion instruction on PAR Transaction.
This module will include review of the Table of Contents for PAM Sections 2 and instruction on how to look up a PAR line item when determining whether or not that item will be entered on the PAR transaction.

Note: Edge and Chrome are the recommended browser for viewing these modules.