January 3, 2023

ConnectHR Telework Stipend Process Reminder

Action Required: Share the following information with all human resources (HR) office employees.

Description: In an effort to reduce errors and eliminate duplicate payments with the Telework Stipend (TWS) data submission through ConnectHR platform, all departments are responsible for verifying payroll using the warrant register before releasing the payment to their employees. Once the TWS text file has been submitted through ConnectHR, it cannot be recalled or undone.

TWS has validations in place to prevent erroneous submissions, e.g. duplicate Social Security Numbers.  There are no validations to prevent a duplicate submission for an employee entry on a different day or different spreadsheet.

Please refer to the State Controller’s Office (SCO) website to access available resources below:

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact ConnectHR - Help and Feedback 

Population Affected: All HR Offices.


SCO Key Initiatives:   


Request to Logoff of the Management Information Retrieval System (MIRS)-January 3, 2022

Action Required by Department:  The Management Information Retrieval System (MIRS) system will be down beginning at 10:00 a.m. today, January 3, 2023. Any users still logged onto MIRS at 10:00 a.m. will be administratively logged off. Please logoff MIRS until further notice. Remaining users logged in or attempting to login after 10:00 a.m. today will prevent the recovery update from processing for the incident detailed below. 

Date Incident Identified:  1/3/2023 

Description:  The CSPMTS File is generating a (FOC 198) FATAL ERROR message at this time. To resolve the issue, SCO staff will perform a recovery update to the system, requiring all users to be logged off. A follow-up broadcast email will be sent out when users can login to MIRS again. 

Population Affected: Human Resource staff responsible for running reports in MIRS. 

Status: Pending 

Date Incident to be Resolved: 1/3/2023 


SCO Key Initiatives:    


Permission to logon to the Management Information Retrieval System (MIRS)

Action Required by Department:  The Management Information Retrieval System (MIRS) system is now back up and the CSPMTS File has been recovered successfully. MIRS users may now log back on and run reports as usual.

Date Incident Identified:  January 3, 2023

Description:  The CSPMTS File was generating a (FOC 198) “Fatal Error.” To resolve the issue, SCO staff performed a recovery update to the system, requiring all users to be logged off. This is the follow-up broadcast email to announce that users may now login to the system. 

Population Affected: Human Resource staff responsible for running reports in MIRS. 

Status: Closed 

Date Incident to be Resolved: January 3, 2023


SCO Key Initiatives:    
