July 26, 2023

REMINDER: Special Processing Instructions Pertaining to the Special Salary Adjustment for Bargaining Units 02, 13, and 18

Action Required:  Share the following information with all human resources (HR) office employees.

Description:  Please review Personnel Letter #23-015 for special processing instructions pertaining to the Special Salary Adjustment for Bargaining Units (BU) 02, 13, and 18.

Departments are responsible for keying the SAL or 330 transaction, effective July 1, 2023, for all eligible employees in these BUs.  July 26 and July 27 are Green Cycle days that allow for supplemental pay to generate prior to payday for impacted employees, which have not yet been keyed.

Please refer to Personnel Letter #23-017 for information on a report that is available on ViewDirect or Mobius View to assist departments in identifying eligible employees.

Population Affected:  All HR Offices.


SCO Key Initiatives: 
