July 12, 2023

Leave Accounting Letter #23-005: USAGE ONLY BENEFITS – FISCAL YEAR RESET has been published on the State Controller's Office (SCO) website located at: http://www.sco.ca.gov/ppsd_sco_letters.html.  You can go directly   

to this letter by clicking on the following address: https://sco.ca.gov/Files-PPSD-Letters/Clas/L23-005.pdf.

Please direct your questions to the appropriate contact(s) listed in the Leave Accounting Letter.

For your information, the State Human Resources Departments link on the SCO website offers various personnel/payroll related tools and resources.  This information is located at: http://www.sco.ca.gov/ppsd_state_hr.html.

SCO Key Initiatives:   


Additional General Salary Increase (GEN) Employment History (EH) Mass Update for Bargaining Units (BU) 02 and 09

Action Required: Share the following information with all human resources (HR) office employees.

Description: SCO will be processing an additional EH Mass Update July 12, 2023 for Class Codes 6016 and 3130 in Bargaining Units 02 and 09. Please refrain from keying Employment History transactions for impacted employees.

Please reference Personnel Letter #023-015.


SCO Key Initiatives:
